Workshops and Seminars
PRICE Graduate Student Brown Bag Workshops consist of smaller, more focused meetings than traditional seminars.
PRICE Graduate Student Brown Bag Workshops
PRICE Brown Bag Workshops afford graduate students the opportunity to present their research in progress and engage with other’s research. Research may focus on a variety of topics related to the politics of race, immigration, class, and ethnicity. Participants are encouraged to engage with one another, connect over challenging or difficult questions, and give and provide feedback.
Anyone with ideas or research relevant to PRICE’s substantive topic areas is welcome to attend, regardless of subfield or method. Workshops will typically be limited to the graduate students in the Cornell Government Department, but they will also periodically be opened to the entire political science community and beyond.
PRICE Faculty Seminars
PRICE seminars are opportunities for faculty to present research-in-progress related to the core themes of PRICE. Seminars attendees commit to a close reading of presenters' papers prior to the workshop meeting. Then, after a very short (5-10 minutes) presentation from the faculty, we take a deep dive into an intensive session where attendees provide feedback and all participants engage in intellectual conversations around the research.
Price Faculty Seminar participants have included: Jared Celmons (Temple University), Vesla Weaver (Johns Hopkins University), Patricia Posey (University of Chicago), Jill Frank (Cornell), and Joe Marguiles (Cornell).